By Taylor Wheeler
Web Design Consultant | AI Enthusiast
AI (artificial Intelligence) is a broader term for a novel-ish tool known as a LLM (Large Language Model) - A token level internet document simulator. (Trained on the internet).
Some people call AI software 2.0. - Traditional software is hardcoded and behaves as programmed.. sometimes. The architecture of AI or Software 2.0 mimics the brain - and such as is a black box of sorts once trained (we dont know whats going on inside). Our main method of evaluation is performance benchmarks (Like you would test a student). Already we are seeing saturation in these benchmarks.
These models are trained to model the world around us. They generate outputs that simulate our world using prediction based algorithms . (Could be conscious? So be nice to it (them), as my nan says don't forget your please and thank you's)
Everything we input (mainly text) is chunked into tokens (numbered values) sent into a Neural network processed with compute and sent back to the user as text, image, video or music.
These models exist on large servers around the world (need large amounts of compute) - and now can even be run on devices as small as your phone depending on the size of the model. (prediction and very possible reality - most businesses that fall within key industries will eventually have their own model, trained on their own data, with access to live datapoints providing strategy, customer relations - email etc, phone, and many more services) and is already happening in a big way already in massive corporate settings.
Remember: This generative process is not perfect and is susceptible to hallucinations. (Completions that are fictitious) - but I guess the reality is that humans are no different - sometimes. :)
What does this mean?
Many tasks have become significantly faster. Quality and accuracy levels of tasks are higher with the right workflows.
At anytime of day, 24/7 you have access to a immensely capable assistant. Of which some models score in the top percentile of PHD level humans (math, science, coding and complex strategy)
Sam altman the head of Open AI said recently that every person has the ability to strategise and run their company at the level of some of the best on the planet - if not more so. The question is how will you embrace this technology?
For me I have taken an AI first approach to explore potential use cases and find areas of use. Its still super early days and the is much to learn and discover. It seems the limit is really your imagination. Which is pretty cool.. at least i think so.
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